Meine Haus - Serie wächst New PostcardsIst das nicht wunderschöne Wolle? Mal sehen was ich daraus machen werde...
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Anonym hat gesagt…
Beate are your hands never still!! you do so much in so few days... I do wish I could read your language so I don't miss anything... I have tried having it interpreted but then it doesn't make such sense... so I will just have to look at all your lovely photos :)
I do wish I could read your language so I don't miss anything...
I have tried having it interpreted but then it doesn't make such sense... so I will just have to look at all your lovely photos :)
das sind genau meine Farben!
Ich wünsche Dir ein gutes Händchen zum Weiterverarbeiten!
Deine Sachen gefallen mir sehr!
Liebe Grüße Luitgard