Es gibt sie wirklich:Engel

Note from Sand Fibers:

Beate, The Elegant Enchantment pattern was purchased by uniquetouch on Etsy this afternoon. Here is your $7 share for Jeannie's bills ;) Best! Carol Dean

Dann kam noch eine Mail

You've got money!
Beate, uniquetouch also sent this and wrote: Hi Carol, I saw you were helpping a friend cover some vet bills for a dog that got hit by a car. So I would like to help also because I have had a dog killed by a car that didn't even bother to stop to see if he could help take it to the vet and I had to

...und dann:

Betreff: $50 gift for veterinary bills
Hi Beate,

I was not able to fit all of uniquetouch's (Cheryl Norwood's) message in the paypal fund transfer, so I thought I would share it with you here.

Hi Carol, I saw you were helpping a friend cover some vet bills for a dog that got hit by a car. So I would like to help also because I have had a dog killed by a car that didn't even bother to stop to see if he could help take it to the vet and I had to sit there and watch her die.

It's heart-warming to know that there are caring, loving people like Cheryl in this world.

*hugs* to both of you!
Carol Dean

Also, mich macht sowas einfach nur sprachlos. Kurz bevor ich die Mail las dachte ich noch, wie glücklich mich 2 schlafende Hundinen doch machen können.
Es ist ein wunderbares Gefühl solche Menschen hier im Netz zu treffen, sie machen in einer Zeit der Kälte alles ein wenig wärmer und lebenswerter.


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